What went wrong
At 11am EST on the morning of January 17th, Options aggregates stopped being produced.
Customers stopped seeing Options aggregate data for approximately 105 minutes.
Detection, Mitigation and Resolution
Customers informed us of the missing data at approximately 11:48 am EST. At 11:59 am EST we restarted the options stream service which had no impact. At 12:30 pm, in our staging environment, we rolled back to a previous deployment. After verifying we were seeing aggregates being produced in that environment, we applied that same change to production at 12:45pm EST.
Root cause
We are in the process of refactoring a few of our services which involves adjusting configuration files. As part of this refactor, we released a new version of the options aggregates service into production. Unfortunately, a line in the dockerfile that explicitly set the Timezone to New York (EST) was inadvertently removed. This caused aggregates to stop being produced at 11am (4pm UTC) because the code thought it was market close.
Calls to Action
We deeply apologize for any disruptions and inconvenience caused by this incident. We do not take this event lightly. Our team worked diligently to address all problems and restore normal functionality to the affected services as quickly as possible. By implementing these mitigation measures and refining our incident response strategy, we aim to improve the reliability and availability of our services and prevent future outages.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any additional questions about this matter.
Thank you for being a loyal customer of Polygon.io,
Polygon Engineering Team